Womxn in Music Collective compilation

My song “Nobody’s Woke” is included on the Womxn in Music Collective’s new compilation!

The comp also features 14 other female-identifying artists from Seattle/Washington state, including Lady A (the original blues diva, not the country band who stole her name/googleability), Grammy-nominated jazz artist Sara Gazerek, my Josephine the Volcano bandmate Olivia Brownlee, and a host of other killer musicians.

Alexa Peters wrote a great write-up for Audiofemme which includes a lot of background about the project from project coordinator Ailisa Newhall (who also has a tune on the compilation).

You can listen and purchase the compilation (physical or digital) right here on Womxn in Music’s Bandcamp page.

Fellow womxn in music can check out the collective’s community and resources right here.


Know Better, Do Better Project. (You’re invited!)


It Doesn’t Suit You - new video w/ Josephine the Volcano