Wanna learn a pretty waltz I wrote?

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July 9, 2015

As some of you may know, I do the booking for a wonderful little music venue here in Bellingham called the Honey Moon. In June, the Honey Moon celebrated their 10th birthday. Ten years of supporting local artists, as well as handcrafting meads, ciders and wines--it's no small feat! So of course we had a birthday party to celebrate, featuring scads of local musicians that have been a big part of the Honey Moon's community over the years.

For the occasion, I wrote a fiddle tune. "Of course!," you might say, but actually I can't remember the last time I wrote a fiddle tune. I've focused my composing energy on indie/folk singer/songwriter stuff since I was in high school.

But after a conversation with the Honey Moon's owners about how difficult it is to find words to describe flavor--without sounding like one of those pretentious wine people (hey, we're all pretentious sometimes)--I thought a wordless tune would be the perfect way to commemorate what the Honey Moon does with its mead.

Thus, the Blueberry Mead Waltz was born. Here's my attempt to capture what Honey Moon's blueberry mead tastes like to me. I'm proud of how it turned out. Maybe you'll enjoy playing it, too!

You can listen, and download sheet music, below.

Full of challenging double stops, because I rarely let myself take it easy.

No double stops, but still some tricks with the key (Bb), accidentals, and bowing.

Both versions are in the Quail Book of Fiddle Tunes, which you can get for free right here.

So is Cider Polka, which I also played for the Honey Moon party, because of course! They make delicious cider too.


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