Mercury's retrograde again - whatever ;)

July 8, 2019

We'll be back to regularly scheduled, original learning content shortly, but first...

Just a heads up, in case no OMG headlines have scraped across your path yet: Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday and will be rocking the backwards dance moves through the 31st.  

It's fine, really, as I mentioned last time Mercury was retrograde.  It can even be a really fruitful, lovely time if you work with it intentionally.  

I have to share this post from Danielle La Porte with you, too, because I am SO HAPPY to see a really high-profile spiritual self-help guru, who is not an astrologer, talking sense into people about what Mercury retrograde is and is not, and how to use it well: Don't freak the f*ck out about Mercury retrograde--just be conscious of it 

And here's Steven Forrest's latest on the subject.  "I’ve found that Mercury doesn’t even have to be retrograde for it to be blamed for every minor misfortune, miscalculation, and misunderstanding that might arise.... For some reason, this little piece of technical astrology has lately  entered the popular imagination just as deeply knowing that you are a Gemini or a Taurus.... Ask any experienced astrologer, at least one who does not require mood stabilizers, and you are likely to hear a more nuanced attitude:  'Mercury retrograde is a real phenomenon – but don’t sell your earthly possessions and join a doomsday cult because of it.'"

Word, Stevey.  

If you're not familiar yet with Steven Forrest, he's one of the godfathers of the branch of astrology known as "evolutionary astrology."  He's also one of the biggest influences on my work.  If you dig my approach, you'll probably dig his too... and there is a LOT of it!  Dude is seriously prolific.  The Inner Sky, his classic astrology 101 book, is the place to start, even if you're already an advanced astrologer.

Any Mercury shenanigans showing up for you so far?  Any intentions you'd like to set for this month, to work with it consciously?  Feel free to share in the comments, for some support,  accountability, or just sympathy. :)  Love y'all!


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