On poor misunderstood signs

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June 8, 2019

All signs have strengths and weaknesses.  But for some reason it seems like astrological entertainment writing likes to talk a lot of shit about the the negative excesses that can happen with certain signs, while ignoring their more noble and creative sides.  

Virgo and Scorpio are the extreme examples here, but it happens to a lesser extent with other signs as well.  Aries comes to mind.  I've already written about poor misunderstood Virgo here.

We have to remember that signs are not people.  Signs are archetypes that describe energetic forces.   

Or if that's too vague and new agey for you, how about this: signs are symbols that describe different tendencies and areas of focus

How those tendencies and focuses play out depend on who or what is doing the tending/focusing, and how much intention they are bringing to the project.  

An adult Sudanese woman is going to experience her Aries moon very differently than, say, a 3-year-old boy in New York... or a skyscraper that had its groundbreaking ceremony on the same day that 3-year-old was born, and thus shares his Aries moon.

Scorpio, for example, inclines a human to engage deeply with questions about truth (including the uncomfortable ones), and the urge to dissolve barriers to merging with others.  So sex, yes, but also financial entanglement, and trust issues more generally. 

It's a potent sign that frequently figures prominently in the charts of surgeons, psychotherapists, emergency responders, artists whose work explores taboo themes, and people in the intelligence field.  

All kinds of other folks who courageously plumb the depths of the psyche and/or deal with the less pleasant aspects of life and death. 

It also shows up often in the charts of politicians brought down by sexual indiscretions, people who marry exclusively for money, and serial killers.  

People handle and balance Scorpio in different ways.

Plenty of Scorpio-influenced folks don't do anything overtly Scorpio-related for work, by the way.  These are just easy examples.  

So don't worry that you're not living up to your potential if you're a Scorpio waitress.  It could be that your Scorpio has led you to get super good at reading people, which is probably serving you well in terms of tips!  

(Especially if you also fit the Scorpio stereotype of the indefinably magnetic sexiness.  This is most likely if it's your AC that is in Scorpio.)  

Take the money and enjoy the freedom to focus the rest of your hours probing the depths of the subjects and/or people (ha! sorry) you're really passionate about, whether or not they pay. 

Please side-eye any article you read that tells you that if you’re a Scorpio, you are prone to lying and cheating on partners and being super dramatic and gothy.

This writer is not just missing the point of Scorpio.   They’re also abusing one-twelfth of their readers by saying that having a specific birthday dooms them to immaturity and bad life decisions.  

That kind of writing isn't empowering.  It leaves the reader with only two choices—self-identify as someone born with the “wrong” sign to be a conscientious person, or acknowledge the obvious stupidity of the article, crumple it up (along with, for many people, the entire field of astrology), and toss it in the recycle bin.

It also encourages non-Scorpios to dismiss a twelfth of the population for partnership or any other relationship where trust and emotional sobriety may be in order.

Aside from the fact that this is not even how the astrology of relationship works, it fuels the most fearful, negatively tribalistic parts of our social beings and robs us of tons of meaningful connections across differences.

Yes, it makes me mad. 

Signs are not good or bad.  They just are.  We choose how we live them out.  Balance is key here, like in everything else.


Mercury's retrograde again - whatever ;)


Chart Anchor #1: The Sun